18th October 2022
WA Government A$2M funding agreement finalised
A Financial Assistance Agreement valued at A$2 million has been finalised with the Western Australian Government and will go towards development of a 1,000 tonne per year commercial graphite micronising plant and ongoing research for the planned battery anode material facility at Collie.
>5th October 2022
Second high grade graphite intersection at Springdale
A second high grade graphite intersection has been discovered at IG6’s Springdale Graphite Project near Hopetoun, in Western Australia. The new prospect, which has been called Springdale Central, is within 200m of the existing Springdale Mineral Resource.
>15th September 2022
Collie pilot plant turns out first product
International Graphite has produced the first sample product from its Collie pilot plant. The plant is the most advanced pilot scale facility of its type known to be operating in Australia and represents a key step in the company's roadmap to full-scale commercial production.
>13th September 2022
Drilling identifes new graphite target at Springdale
The first drilling program at International Graphite’s Springdale Graphite Project, in Western Australia, has revealed another high-grade graphite prospect within 500 metres of the existing mineral resource.
>19th August 2022
Collie pilot plant ready for commissioning
Equipment has been installed and International Graphite’s pilot scale micronising and spheroidising plant is ready for commissioning at Collie.
>12th August 2022
Celebrating 50 years of outstanding industry achievement
After 50 years of continuous service to the resource industry, Chairman Phil Hearse has been honoured by Australia’s peak professional body, the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy.
>25th July 2022
Singapore the stepping stone to Asia
First stop Singapore for Executive Chairman Phil Hearse who has taken to the road in an intensive round of investor roadshows, conferences and industry presentations.
>19th July 2022
Drilling intersects new graphite zone at Springdale
International Graphite's first reverse circulation (RC) and diamond drilling campaign is producing promising results at our Springdale Graphite Project. RC drill testing of high priority target SDW_1 has intersected multiple zones of shallow graphite mineralisation over a strike length of up to 700m.
>8th June 2022
Market report highlights IG6 advantage
A market analysis report released by Peloton Capital has recommended IG6 as a speculative buy for investors. Download the full report.
>3rd June 2022
Collie gears up for pilot production
There’s been action on site in Collie with IG6 moving to a bigger building to expand its research and development facilities. The first spherical graphite samples are expected to be produced at the new facility by August 2022.
>30th May 2022
Exploration and drilling ramps up at Springdale
IG6 is has commissioned its first drilling campaign since listing with a 7,100 metres reverse circulation and diamond drilling program about to begin at the Springdale Graphite Project, in Western Australia.
>20th May 2022
Graphite has a seat at the table as WA looks to critical minerals
Western Australia's Governor Kim Beazley has put critical minerals firmly on the State's development agenda hosting a select roundtable for industry leaders, including International Graphite's Executive Chairman Phil Hearse.