International Graphite is refining traditional graphite purification technology to achieve new standards of environmental performance.
The engineering review is part of the full feasibility study currently underway for the company’s proposed multi-million dollar secondary graphite processing plant, in Western Australia.
The study, being managed by leading Australian process engineering consultancy BatteryLimits, under the direction of Technical Director Mr Jasbir Khosa, is due for completion in 2020.
Through its technology partners, IG has sourced processing equipment and expertise from market innovators worldwide and is now refining and adapting those processes to suit the IG facility.
“We are very pleased with the outstanding technical progress that is being made,” said IG Chairman Phil Hearse.
“The quality of engineering work is outstanding and will be the foundation of our business success going forward.
“Our team continues to work closely with our technology partners who are leading the world in secondary graphite processing and servicing the biggest markets.”